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Because of the size of the files, it was not possible to directly upload the orignal files to the website, only smaller versions. To veiw the original files with the detail and clairty untouched, and to veiw the essay that accompanies the project, please open the dropbox links below.

My work is designed to represent the need to present a certain image to a digital world, and the effect that can have both physically and mentally on a person. On the one side, you have the image of the face being slowly warped and corrupted by the stitches, while the digital image and profile is built and maintained on the other. The contrast of the stitched fabric and thread versus the purely digital animation represents the effects in the physical world and insubstantial world that social media has created. I have used the format of an Instagram post to further represent this sentiment, as Instagram is one of the most common social media platforms, especially with the youth of the world, who are particularly susceptible to the issue at hand. I have specifically used the face as the focus of work, as the face is a common symbol of an individual’s identity, and how they are presented to the world, in both real life and social media.

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